For those of you who participated in BBAW last year, what’s a great new book blog you’ve discovered since last year’s BBAW?
Well, for starters, I'm still "hanging out" with all original 2666 gang, including Sarah, Claire, Gavin, Richard, Frances, Emily, and Lu. Did that read-along really begin way back in May 2009? We should've celebrated our one-year anniversary months ago!
But onto new blogs! Much as I enjoy old favorites, I have also discovered several new-to-me book blogs since September 2009. They are:
Amy Reads
Amy's tastes are very eclectic, but what I find most interesting are many of the books she reads on feminism and gender studies. (In fact, I think we've been reading the same social justice blogs without even knowing it.) Her fiction choices reflect a commitment to diversity and multiculturalism and I enjoyed her recent reviews on African literature.
Awful Library Books
This one was actually introduced to me by last year's BBAW. I believe it was nominated for the humor category? (I think it won, too.) Anyway, Awful Library Books is a concept blog run by two librarians, Mary and Holly, who post about books to be weeded from their collections. (You can also submit your own.) This means the book has become outdated, archaic, or irrelevant, or perhaps it was never useful in the first place. In many instances, it suffers (hilariously) from an acute case of Values Dissonance. Such books must be promptly discarded, or possibly sold on eBay. Libraries have limited space, which means that hanging onto such "treasures" is a waste of resources and a disservice to the public at large. But oh teh lulz!
Iris on Books
Iris is a student in the Netherlands whose popular, well-established blog is a great resource for contemporary world literature. Beyond that, she has a broad range, moving easily from Dante to YA to memoirs to graphic novels.
Wuthering Expectations
Amateur Reader's blog covers a lot of lesser-known works from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as poetry and fiction in translation. His posts are both highly intelligent and highly readable, a perfect blend of conversational style and scholarly insight.
I am crap at celebrating blogiversaries. Glad to still be hanging out with the old crowd, though! And love all your newer suggestions - Awful Library Books is freaking hilarious.
I am crap at celebrating too. And laughing like a child at saying "I am crap." Maybe Richard will bake us all a cake? With a pretty frosting unicorn?
Great choices. And Awful Library Books is the idea I wish I had had myself.
hmm I've been seeing a few of these pop up! Thanks for the recommendations and I look forward to getting to know the ones I don't know!
If the name of my blog were not the single best idea I have ever had or will ever have, which I wish were not true, but is, I would change it to Wonderful Library Books.
Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm not so sure about "highly readable", but I'm working on it.
Thank you so much for your kind words! *blushes*
I, of course, agree with everything you said about Amy. I'm now on my way to check out the other two. Wuthering Expectations has been recommended by a few more bloggers that I respect a lot so I'm bound to love that one. And Awful Library Books seems hilarious!
Oh gosh I love that awful library books site! And Iris! And I must check out Wuthering Expectations. Thank you so much for including me and for the kind words!
Emily and Frances: Well then, I say we celebrate a late anniversary and invite Holly and Mary!
Amy: I'm glad you like my recommendations! It's great to see these blogs gain a wider audience.
AR: The name of your blog is indeed awesome.
Iris and Amy: Hi guys! Hope you love ALB as much as I do!
It's been awesome to get to know you better over the past year. I love your blog every bit as much as I did when I first discovered it, even though I've been increasingly bad about popping over to comment. I'm super excited for you in regards to your new job and home. Best of luck!
Still hanging with the ol' 2666 gang here as well.. I missed BBAW but just want to say I appreciate you! You are amazing! xo
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