Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-Thon Update #4

Whew! Just woke up from a two-hour nap! Still have fifty pages to go of The Ninth Avatar.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been cheering for me and encouraging me. Even if my page count at the end is less than stellar (as I suspect it will be), hopefully I'll be able to last the full 24 hours! Nap + coffee = success!

After a few blogs I'll be back to my reading. Can't wait to see how this book ends.


Anonymous said...

Austen, Hemingway
Rushdie, Poe
When it comes to reading
You’re a pro!

Bybee said...

that nap and coffee are really going to pay off later on in the readathon. Good luck

Melis said...

The reading will stop
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
your book count will be higher
Just keep thinking about tomorrow
all the great books you will have to talk about
with your blog friends
If you get blurred or sore, or sleepy
Just stick up your chin
and grin
and say
My TO BE READ PILE, Tomorrow
will be smaller than it was before
and your spirits will soar
because then TOMORROW, TOMORROW You can go shopping TOMORROW at Amazon and BUY SOME MORE!

:D lol

Wendi said...

It's not about page count or number of books finished it's all about a commonly held love of books and reading and you've done awesome! Halfway there!

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