Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer Reading

I found this meme on Claire's blog Kiss a Cloud. Just in time for Memorial Day!

Do your reading habits change over the summer? Do you choose lighter fare?

Nope. I read what I've always read, even on vacation. The only difference is maybe I'll chose books that are less scary, depressing, etc. Maybe I'll read more Star Trek books.

What do you enjoy to take to the beach, for example?

I haven't been to the beach in forever! How sad is that?

What is the ultimate summer book?

Margeurite Duras's The Sailor from Gibraltar, definitely. Esther Tusquet's The Same Sea as Every Summer can be kind of weighty, but it's still beautifully written with an otherworldly feel to it.

What are your favourite travel guides - official or unofficial?

I don't really read travel guides, but I like the books Lonely Planet has come out with. I remember their intro the DC guide was especially well-done and evocative.

Where do you vacation? Any places you recommend or even don't recommend?

My vacations in recent years have been minimal, with the exception of a Thanksgiving trip to Puerto Rice when I was sixteen and a trip to Mexico (Mexico City, Tasco, Acapulco) with my school's Travel Club the following year. I would love to visit Greece, southern Italy, and Paris. I'd also like to see the island Rab, since every single work of Croatian literature I've read takes place there! (I'm not kidding. Isn't there a mainland Croatia?)

I know some people love going to the Adirondacks, but having actually lived there, I can't stand the place!


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