Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Top 10 Favorite Love Stories in Books

10. Conxa and Jaume, Stones in a Landslide

Simple, sparse, down-to-earth, and real.

9. Harry and Hermine, Steppenwolf

Kind of a weird one. Not a romantic example per se, but definitely two compelling characters bound together by fate.

8. Ursula and Rupert/Gudrun and Gerald, Women in Love

One pair is rather ordinary and the other ends tragically, but D.H. Lawrence's prose must be read to be believed.

7. Jane and Rochester, Jane Eyre

Enough said.

6. Dante and Beatrice, The Divine Comedy

This is the fourth time Dante has turned up on one of my Top 10 Tuesday lists.

5. Tonio and Christina, Cry to Heaven

My favorite non-vampire Anne Rice novel. Vivid, picturesque setting, a great story, and a touching love affair towards the end.

4. Joe and Kareen, Johnny Got His Gun

Okay, I know I've made poor Joe a lighthearted partner in crime with fellow Marxist literary hero Karega, but I gotta admit, this book gets to you.

3. Clara and narrator, The Same Sea as Every Summer

A lesbian relationship told through the most beautiful, flowing stream-of-conscious prose since Virginia Woolf.

2. Jack and Sweetheart, "The Mystery of Choice: The White Shadow"

One of the most haunting short stories I've ever read.

1. Potok and Černá, City Sister Silver

"…my loved one was a bee and a butterfly and knew how to cut with her claws and her tongue, and I tried too … we learned from each other what was good for the other, and that made both of us stronger … running, and the earth turned beneath us, running by graves and leaping across them, avoiding the bones and glassy stares and empty eyesockets … of wolf skulls … and steering clear of traps and snares, we had experience … with falling stakes and poisoned meat … we made it without harm through the red pack's territory … and met the last of the white wolves, they were wracked with disease … and the big black wolves chased us, but we escaped … we, the gray wolves of the Carpathians, had an age-old war with them, they were surprised we fled, their jaws snapping shut on empty air, they had a hunch it was their turn next, the helicopters were on the way … we ran side by side, our bodies touching … running over the earth as it turned, with the wind whistling in our ears like a lament for every dead pack … and the clicking of our claws made the earth's motion accelerate … we ran over the earth, a mass grave, running away …"

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers' answers. Everyone is welcome to join. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Don't worry if you can't come up with ten every time . . . just post what you can!


Short Story Slore said...

Besides Jane Eyre, you have a lot of books I have yet to read. I'll be looking out for those!

Emily said...

Wow, thanks for that link to The Same Sea as Every Summer - I didn't know you back then, but that book sounds RIGHT up my alley! You & Richard are tempting me with all these great Spanish-language reads, right when I need to focus on French. :-)

Anonymous said...

here's mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/02/top-ten-tuesday-top-10-book-to-movie.html

Jenna St. Hilaire said...

Ooh, I didn't even think about Dante and Beatrice. Good call.

I got a bit of a shock when I saw "Harry and Hermine"... thought you were talking about Harry Potter. Maybe I should go read Steppenwolf. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've read any of the books on your list, honestly! I know lots of people who adore Jane Eyre though. I've never given it a shot.

Richard said...

You forgot hack writer Sigrid Undset and her annoying creation, the "beautiful" Kristin Lavransdatter! Was that couple #11 or what?

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

There are several on this list that I would have never thought of....nice list.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Your list is surprising and intriguing. Thank you.

Eileen said...

Short Story Slore: Try Robert Chambers. He needs more love.

Emily: Another great book in need of more love! If you like Virginia Woolf, you're sure to enjoy Esther Tusquets.

Jenna St. Hilaire: Steppenwolf is a classic of twentieth-century German literature. You can't go wrong with anything by Hesse.

Sarah: I liked Jane Eyre MUCH better than Wuthering Heights. Even though it should have been a mess with all the improbable elements and different storylines. She pulled it off somehow.

Richard: It's a list of Top 10 favorites. KL would make a very different kind of list.

Diane: Well, check one out! Again, I recommend Chambers.

Deb Nance: You're most welcome.

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