City Sister Silver by Jáchym Topol (review to be posted tomorrow) (Czech)
Death in Spring by Mercè Rodoreda (Catalan)
The Exception by Christian Jungersen (Danish)
Landscape in Concrete by Jakov Lind (Austrian)
Rupert: A Confession by Ilja Pfeijffer (Dutch)
And, of course, I get ARC's from Open Letter Press, so I'm probably cheating. But I'm still signin' up!
Thanks Sandra!
You didn't waste any time, you've joined already and I just got your comment. I love lit in translation too so this one was easy for me also. Glad you found it. happy reading.
I'd need to dig through my synaptic file stores to see how many I've read, but I can tell you that the last book I finished, Steig Larsson's The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo, fits this category, and I loved it and I'm awaiting a download of his second in May with bated breath...
I'd consider it, but I tend to read books in their original languages whenever possible. But even so, I've surpassed that, it seems:
Thomas Bernhard, The Loser
Einhard and Notker the Stammerer, Two Lives of Charlemagne
Zoran Živković, The Last Book
Ferenc Karinthy, Metropole (which I read thanks to your rec, of course)
Roland Topor, The Tenant
Czeslaw Milosz, The Captive Mind
Alexandre Dumas, Georges
Yuri Andrukhoych, The Moscoviad
Zoran Živković, The Bridge
Jonathan Littell, The Kindly Ones
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
Naguib Mahfouz, Voices from the Other World
Or was this challenge strictly for translated fiction published in English in 2009?
Larry - I think the challenge is just translated books period, but I get the impression that the other participants are leaning towards more contemporary stuff. Thanks for the list - finding great international literature can be difficult.
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