Thursday, February 5, 2009

Awesome Quote

My reason? "Tell me a story."

"Tell me stories of great deeds and simple pleasures,
of love and hate,
of epic quests and personal searches,
of free will and manipulation,
of small men and big hearts,
of evil kings and noble villains,
of conquest and creation,
of great battles and individual missions,
of pride and perseverance,
of those that hold worlds in their hands and the lone soldier on whom the battle turns,
of broken hearts and healed souls,
of lasting happiness and bitter tears,
of old mentors and the birth of the next generation,
of unrequited love and soul mates growing old together,
of great armies and small squads,
of honor and cowardice,
of intricate plots and excessively large explosions,
of personal growth and immaturity,
of prophecies and clutching onto the past,
of corruption and redemption,
of hard choices and single-minded determination,
of dreams of power and love,
of toasts to the dead and celebrations of life,
of sailing among the stars and exploring the deep sea,
of vendettas and adventures,
of clever solutions and being completely unsubtle,
of betrayals and hard-won honor,
of circles of hell and personal heavens,
of long-buried evil and newborn innocence,
of veterans gathering together for one last battle and everyone standing together against the foe,
of lines against the darkness and surrender to personal demons,
of damaged warriors and flawed heroes,
of atonement and forgiveness,
of innate talent and hard-fought skill,
of deals with the devil and second chances,

"Tell me a story."

- My friend Joseph (as posted on Facebook)


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